Optimization of the equalization procedure for a single-photon counting CdTe detector used for CT

SYRMA-3D (SYnchrotron Radiation MAmmography 3D) aims to develop a breast CT system based on monochromatic synchrotron radiation and a single photon counting detector (PIXIRAD-8) with CdTe sensor. Due to the demanding requests on high contrast resolution and low dose, images in breast CT are particularly sensitive to small imperfections of the flat field correction applied before the CT reconstruction. Detectors based on high Z crystal sensors show inhomogeneous pixels gain, which depends on the time from the switching-on of the high voltage polarization. This effect has been studied in our CdTe detector with the purpose of develop an effective flat field correction procedure. In the PIXIRAD-8 detector, the time-dependent inhomogeneities of the flat field signal appear to be local, small and systematically reproducible, with the exception of the pixels on the sensors edges.