Subject Desire In The Novel Lamtara-Lamtara Pinggir Desa (Lamtoro Plants In The Edge Of Village) By Sri Setya Rahayu

This study aims to describe the desires contained in the novel Lamtara-Lamtara Ing Pinggir Desa Karya Sri Setya Rahayu. The method used in this study is a formal method and descriptive analysis method. Mardika, the objects in this study have a desire to have Pratiwi. This happens because of the lackness, then there are stages such as the effort to fulfill desire, mirror stage, then control of the ego by the superego. Ambivalence also happened, because Mardika finally got the chance to have Pratiwi, but the superego managed to control the ego and make Mardika back. The Superego here is the ethics and manners of the Javanese that bind Mardika strong enough, and succeed in defeating the ego. However, the superego at the end of the story also caused Mardika problems, but was overcome and finally he managed to fulfill his ego.