Texture segmentation as a function of eccentricity, spatial frequency and target size.

Two experiments examined the role of fundamental spatial frequency, target area and retinal eccentricity in texture segmentation. In Experiment 1, a backward-masked target comprising lines oriented orthogonally to the surround was briefly presented at the fovea, and at eccentricities ranging from 2.55 to 7.63 deg. Reaction time and accuracy were better when targets were presented at non-foveal locations. In Experiment 2, eccentricity effects were examined when both spatial frequency and target area were varied. Accuracy was highest and RT fastest at near-peripheral, not foveal locations. The eccentricity corresponding to optimal performance was related inversely to spatial frequency. Results suggest that the near periphery is more adept than the fovea at the early processing which underlies rapid texture segmentation.