Canonical analysis of cells in normal and abnormal cervical smears.
Over 4,000 cells from 105 normal and 96 abnormal uterine cervical scrapes were prepared according to the UCLA monolayer procedure, stained by a routine Papanicolaou method and visually classified by two cytopathologists and a technologist into seven classes: parabasal, metaplastic, mild dysplasia, moderate dysplasia, severe dysplasia, carcinoma in situ and invasive carcinoma. Canonical analysis was used to correlate effects-coded class membership variables with 23 cell features derived from digital image analysis. In general, nuclear texture measures derived from linear combinations of run-length correlations along with features derived from a Markov transitional probability matrix provided the best predictors of cell class. After cells were divided into benign (moderate dysplasia or less) and malignant (severe dysplasia or worse) groups, discriminant analysis correctly classified 84% of the benign cells and 91% of the malignant cells.