Interpolation Correlations for Fluid Properties of Humid Air in the Temperature Range 100 °C to 200 °C

This paper provides simple analytical correlations for selected thermodynamic and fluid transport properties for the mixture dry air and water vapor. These correlations are derived from theory as well as from numerical fitting procedures and give expressions for density ϱ, viscosity μ, thermal conductivity k, specific heat cp, and Prandtl number Pr at a working pressure of p=1 bar and for a temperature range from 100 °C to 200 °C. The main purpose is to present a comparatively simple set of equations, as the correlations do not reflect in every case the underlying physical background. Since experimental data are scarce for the properties under investigation, it was in some cases necessary to extrapolate the available correlations to temperatures or water vapor contents where no experimental data could be found. The derived equations are compared with the pure component values for dry air and water vapor and, as far as possible, also for air-water vapor mixtures.