Communicating Ideas in Computer-Supported Modeling Tasks: A Case Study with BPMN

The communication role of models in Software Engineering is widely acknowledged. Models tell model users what model builders propose. Computer-supported modeling (CSMod) traditionally concentrates on helping users build models with various kinds of notations. Although such focus on 'representation' is obviously important for the overall 'communication' goal, some design features in CSMod tools may be yet unexplored. This paper presents a study with the use of ARIS EXPRESS in modeling tasks with Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). We report on how we combined various methods to analyze the way in which this tool supports 'communication through models'. Our findings articulate semiotic and cognitive aspects of notations with evidence provided by study participants during tasks and interviews. Our contribution lies not only in the findings, and how CSMod design can evolve in relatively unexplored ways, but also in our methodology, which we believe can be used in similar contexts.