Pashmina fibr ashmina fibr ashmina fibr ashmina fibr ashmina fibre has its celebrator e has its celebrator e has its celebrator e has its celebrator e has its celebratory both in national and inter y both in national and inter y both in national and inter y both in national and inter y both in national and international level due to the national level due to the national level due to the national level due to the national level due to the development of high fashion gar development of high fashion gar development of high fashion gar development of high fashion gar development of high fashion garments and novelty products. P ments and novelty products. P ments and novelty products. P ments and novelty products. P ments and novelty products. Pashmina products ar ashmina products ar ashmina products ar ashmina products ar ashmina products are mainly their products. The development of novel value addition for pashmina products can meet their products. The development of novel value addition for pashmina products can meet their products. The development of novel value addition for pashmina products can meet out the requirements of fashion fabrics. It can also fetch more income for artisans those are out the requirements of fashion fabrics. It can also fetch more income for artisans those are out the requirements of fashion fabrics. It can also fetch more income for artisans those are out the requirements of fashion fabrics. It can also fetch more income for artisans those are out the requirements of fashion fabrics. It can also fetch more income for artisans those are involved in pashmina products. This paper highlights the conventional processing involved involved in pashmina products. This paper highlights the conventional processing involved involved in pashmina products. This paper highlights the conventional processing involved involved in pashmina products. This paper highlights the conventional processing involved involved in pashmina products. This paper highlights the conventional processing involved in value addition of pashmina products with focuse on their future prospective for improving in value addition of pashmina products with focuse on their future prospective for improving in value addition of pashmina products with focuse on their future prospective for improving in value addition of pashmina products with focuse on their future prospective for improving in value addition of pashmina products with focuse on their future prospective for improving their demand. their demand. their demand. their demand. their demand.