Redescription of Heterodera fici (Nematoda: Heteroderidae) with SEM Observations.

Heterodera fici is redescribed and illustrated with comparative details and revised measurements and diagnostic characters of the females, males, cysts, and juveniles from Maryland and Pakistan. This species is in the "schachtii group" (cysts lemon shaped, with bullae, and ambifenestrate) but the fenestrae in some cysts, presumab!y young ones, are small and widely spaced, appearing bifenestrate. It is most closely related to H. schachtii, H. glycines, and H. cajani but differs from these species especially in having cysts with small, scattered bullae and weakly developed underbridge; and males with four small nipples on tail tip. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations of the specimens are also presented. The relationship of this species to closely related forms is discussed.