On the Structure of "秀才秀才,错字布袋

Sentence patterns like "秀才秀才,错字布袋"are unique in the grammatical structure, semantic structure and pragmatic function. The typical feature of this pattern is that the same word or phrase reappears continually at the very beginning. It has two parts: (1) The proceeding part("秀才秀才") includes a word and its repeated form, which is different from the reduplication in grammar and the continual repetition in rhetoric. This part can have referential functions in particular situations;and (2) The main function of the last part ("错字布袋")is to interpret the proceeding one. It is the semantic focus of the whole sentence. This sentence pattern typically shows the features of proverbs like "秀才秀才,错字布袋"in language structure,semantic meaning and pragmatic function.