Abstract : A complex fully flexible engine test stand for light-duty diesel engine fuels research has been configured using Variable Valve Actuation by Sturman Industries. Due to the complexity of integrating the control systems, and the need to develop engine maps for all the control parameters, attaining a reliable and controllable test apparatus was the primary result of the effort. Exploration of the available control authority showed the promise in altering engine emissions by varying sources of EGR and controlling fuel injection events. The Variable Valve Actuation engine test stand allows such vast flexibility that fuel/engine optimizations can be performed together. Future efforts should look at the effects of the variable ignition qualities of selected test fuels.
E. Frame,et al.
Characterization of Toxicologically Relevant Compounds From Diesel Emissions: Phase II
Shuji Kimura,et al.
New Combustion Concept for Ultra-Clean and High-Efficiency Small DI Diesel Engines
J. Garbak,et al.
Impact of Engine Operating Conditions on Low-NOx Emissions in a Light-Duty CIDI Engine Using Advanced Fuels
R. G. Stone,et al.
Mechanical engineering department
Edwin A Frame,et al.
Dimethoxymethane in Diesel Fuel: Chemical Characterization of Toxicologically Relevart Compounds From Diesel Emissions