A Probabilistic Model for Using Social Networks in Personalized Item Recommendation

Preference-based recommendation systems have transformed how we consume media. By analyzing usage data, these methods uncover our latent preferences for items (such as articles or movies) and form recommendations based on the behavior of others with similar tastes. But traditional preference-based recommendations do not account for the social aspect of consumption, where a trusted friend might point us to an interesting item that does not match our typical preferences. In this work, we aim to bridge the gap between preference- and social-based recommendations. We develop social Poisson factorization (SPF), a probabilistic model that incorporates social network information into a traditional factorization method; SPF introduces the social aspect to algorithmic recommendation. We develop a scalable algorithm for analyzing data with SPF, and demonstrate that it outperforms competing methods on six real-world datasets; data sources include a social reader and Etsy.

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