Investigating the Relation between the Industry and the Technical Schools Curriculum for the Wood Industry Major in Iran

The present study investigates the relation between industry and technical schools regarding curriculum writing for wood industry major in Iran. Therefore, it mainly discusses this question: What is the relation between industry and technical schools regarding curriculum writing for wood industry major and how can it be improved? Questionnaires and interviews were used as the tools of collecting related data. Participants of the study were composed of two groups, first trainees, students, and principals of the technical schools practicing wood industry major, and second the owners of the wood industry including the union of home/office furniture export and the union of carpenters and furniture makers. After data were collected and analyzed, results showed that all the four participating groups believed that there was a weak (or limited) relation between the curriculum of the wood industry major and the needs of the wood industry. In other words, industry owners' opinions and needs have not yet been considered in curriculum writing for wood industry major. Based on the findings of the study, suggestions have been provided in order to enhance the relation between schools and industry for the target major. These suggestions can be applied so as to make required modifications and changes in curriculum writing in subordinate fields of study. The results of the study show that the mean score of the respondents' views according to the Likert Scale (1 - 4) is 2.45 for trainees, 1.83 for the managers of the factories, 2.77 for the principals of the technical schools, and 2.68 for the students. Therefore, according to the owners of the companies, there is the least relation between the curriculum of the wood industry major and the industry which clarifies the fact that opinions of the industry owners have not yet been considered in material writing for the major of wood industry or there has been a very limited conversation between the material writers and them. Compared to the other participants of the study, the highest score is claimed by the school principals who have stated that the relation between curriculum and industry is high. The mean score of the students and trainees' opinions also shows a low degree of relation between the industry and the curriculum.(Azarchehr Sehat, Amir Nazari, Investigating the Relation between the Industry and the Technical Schools Curriculum for the Wood Industry Major in Iran . Life Sci J 2013;10(2s):189-199) (ISSN:1097-8135). . 33