Assessment of Learning Outcomes

83 SECTION A: Introduction to Assessment and Constructive Alignment 83 Award Level Learning Outcomes 84 Mapping Award and Module Learning Outcomes 84 Extent that Module Outcomes Meet Award Outcomes 85 SECTION B: Assessing Learning Outcomes 85 Assessment Terminology 86 Assessment in an Input Model 86 Assessment in an Outcomes Model 86 Designing ‘Backwards’ 86 Ensuring Assessment is Valid 87 Checking Assessment 88 What Should be Assesed? 89 Making Assessment Criteria Explicit 89 Using Technology in Assessment 89 SECTION C: Managing the Change in Assessment Practices 90 Assessment Volumes 90 Resources Implications 90 Institutional/Procedural Limitations 90 Threshold and Typical Learning Outcomes 91 Plagiarism 91 SECTION D: Review and Evaluation of Assessment Approaches 92 Programme-Level Evaluation 92 Module-Level Evaluation 92 Concluding Remarks 93