Recent Heating and Current Drive results on JET

An overview is presented of the results obtained on JET by the Heating and Current Drive Task Force (TF-H) in the period May 2000—March 2001. A strongly improved Lower Hybrid (LH) coupling was achieved by optimizing the plasma shape and by controlling the local edge density via the injection of CD4. Up to 4 MW have been coupled in type III ELMy H-mode and/or on Internal Transport Barrier (ITB) plasmas with reflection coefficients as low as 4%. Long lasting quasi steady-state ITBs have been obtained by adding the LH current to the bootstrap and beam driven components. Furthermore the use of LH in the pre-heat phase results in electron temperature in excess of 10 keV, deep negative magnetic shear and strongly reduced power threshold for ITB formation. Preliminary results on ICRF coupling are reported including the effect of CD4 injection and the commissioning of the wide band matching system on ELMy plasmas. IC CD scenarios have been studied in H and 3He minority and used to modify the stability of the sawt...