The Satellite Observation for Spatial Changes of Vegetation in Saemangum Tidal Flat

Abstract The aim of this study is to detection of changed vegetation area of Saemangeum tidal flat withcomparison of topography and surface sediments during the dyke construction. Sedimentaryfacies of four seasons of 2001 from inside Saemangeum tidal flat revealed homogeneous layers inthe upper part, however near sea side tidal flat were detecting with carried out rapid sedimentdeposition during the dyke construction using satellite image spatial analysis. The sedimentationtypes inside Saemangeum tidal flat were classified with vegetation types, which were wellmatched with the sedimentation pattern revealed by change in vegetation patterns.Keywords : Saemangeum tidal flat, Sediment types, Satellite image Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol. 23, No. 2(2014) pp.150~156 연구노트 Corres ponding Author: Jong-Chul Jeong, Dep. of GIS Namseoul University Phone:+82-41-580-2375 E-mail: jjc1017@gmail.comReceived :11 December, 2013. Revised :20 February, 2014. Accepted :7 March, 2014.ISSN 1225-7184