The Proof Certifier Checkers 1

Different theorem provers work within different formalisms and paradigms, and therefore produce various incompatible proof objects. Currently there is a big effort to establish foundational proof certificates (FPC), which would serve as a common “specification language” for all these formats. Such framework enables the uniform checking of proof objects from many different theorem provers while relying on a small and trusted kernel to do so. Checkers is an implementation of a proof checker using foundational proof certificates. By trusting a small kernel based on (focused) sequent calculus on the one hand and by supporting FPC specifications in a prolog-like language on the other hand, it can be used for checking proofs of a wide range of theorem provers. The focus of this paper is on the output of equational resolution theorem provers and for this end, we specify the paramodulation rule. We describe the architecture of Checkers and demonstrate how it can be used to check proof objects by supplying the FPC specification for a subset of the inferences used by E-prover and checking proofs using these inferences.