Microscopic investigation of modified hydration kinetics in tricalcium silicate paste and mortar strength caused by dicalcium silicate addition

It was recently revealed that some processes of hydrating tricalcium silicate are altered by the addition of dicalcium silicate. Previous neutron scattering results revealed two critical tri/dicalcium silicate compositions. At one composition, changes in the early time hydration kinetics were observed that result in the formation of more products (reflected in increased 28 day strength), despite dicalcium silicate being essentially unreactive at early times. At the other composition, changes in the early-time hydration kinetics were observed that correspond to reduced strength. The current work uses scanning electron microscope analysis with backscattered electron imaging of 50 day hydrated tri- and dicalcium silicate mortars to reveal that at the former critical composition increased hydration of the tricalcium silicate phase occurs, and at the latter critical composition, the amount of dicalcium silicate reacted is decreased.