Joint Battlespace Infosphere (JBI): Information Management in a Netcentric Environment

Abstract : The Joint BattleSpace Infosphere (JBI) is an information management concept developed by the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) to address information management challenges in a military environment. Throughout the ensuing years the Systems and Information Interoperability Branch (AFRL/IFSE) has performed research in information management that has further refined the original JBI concepts and has demonstrated how those concepts may be applied to achieve system interoperability. A JBI comprises many diverse applications (called clients) and a set of core services that enable the dissemination. persistence and control of information being shared among the applications. One key core service provided to disseminate information is publish and subscribe (Pub/Sub). In this interim report, we describe the technical details of the design and implementation of two different JBI Reference Implementations (RIs) core services technology on which both are based on publish/subscribe. but took different approaches a Jini-based and a J2EE-based JBI RIs.