Spent fuel test-climax: technical measurements interim report, FY 1980

The Spent Fuel Test--Climax (SFT-C), a test of the retrievable geologic storage of spent fuel assemblies from an operating commercial power reactor, is under way at the Nevada Test Site of the US Department of Energy. Although the main thrust of the project is a demonstration of the feasibility of packaging, handling, storing, and retrieving the highly radioactive fuel assemblies, over 800 data channels have been installed to monitor the response of the rock to the heat and radiation produced by the fuel assemblies and to distinguish in that response the effect due to heat alone. Temperatures in the test array are tracking well with thermal modeling calculations performed before the test was started. The fuel assemblies have been in place since May 1980. The canisters have passed through skin temperature maxima of about 145/sup 0/C and are currently declining in temperature. Evidence is emerging that the thermomechanical response of the rock surrounding the SFT-C is strongly affected by fractures and other discontinuities inthe rock. Most of the effort to date has been in project construction, design, and installation of the instrumentation. Although the data are available in raw form for verification purposes, the data are not as yet inmore » a suitable form for detailed analyses. Work continues on the data management aspects of the project and in continued monitoring of the test.« less