Improving the accuracy of personal radiofrequency measurements to enable a better understanding of existing data

Human exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) is often measured by personal exposimeters. However, available portable devices are compromised by the presence of the human body and have large measurement uncertainties. The aim of this study was to compare measurement results of a newly developed prototype of a multi-band body-worn distributed-exposimeter (BWDM) with two commercially available personal exposimeters (EXPOM and EME SPY 200). The BWDM prototype has been developed for simultaneous measurement of the incident power density in 11 frequency bands (LTE 800 and 2600 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, DECT, Wi-Fi 2 GHz and 5 GHz, including uplink and downlink bands). The BWDM consists of 22 textile antennas integrated in a garment, distributed in an optimal way on the front and back of the human torso as well as right and left hips. For all frequency bands, antenna pairs are placed on diametrically opposite locations on body, for minimizing body-shielding. Since 2016, field measurements are being conducted in various indoor and outdoor microenvironments in Belgium, Spain, France, Netherlands and Switzerland. In each country, a trained research assistant is using the BWDM in parallel with EXPOM and EME SPY 200 exposimeters by walking along pre-defined measurement routes, comparing different characteristic microenvironments such as urban, suburban and rural areas, public transport infrastructure, and public areas such as universities, parks and shopping centres. In a first step of data analysis, the results of the measurement in Switzerland from November and December 2016 will be used to compare the measurements of the three different exposimeters. The results of the device comparisons will enable a better understanding and interpretation of existing epidemiological research results, as well as improved risk assessment and communication strategies.