Abstract Recently, Blockchain is considered as one of the main powerful techniques in security and privacy domains. It is considered as the promised security concept for replacing the current third parities trusting solutions. This could be achieved by mixing some cryptography techniques, consensus algorithms alongside with some peer-to-peer communication protocols. In this paper, to meet the requirement of distributed structure in the eHealth Records (EHRs) system, we propose a novel protocol to achieve a perfect privacy preserving for the patient namely Pseudonym Based Encryption with Different Authorities (PBE-DA) by applying the concept of Blockchain on the healthcare communication entities in an e-health platform. Therefore, PBE-DA will be used to help the patient anonymously to access, check or update his sensitive data on EHRs system. Moreover, we analyzed not only the public blockchain tier between the different EHRs cloud provider but also another Blockchain tier between the patient sensors (IoT devices used to do some patient measurements) and the patient system as a gateway for the whole healthcare platform.
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