[ITS 부문] 원격 주행을 위한 무인 자동차의 센서 FUSION 설계와 성능 분석에 관한 연구

The unmanned vehicle should take notice of its location and recognize circumstance around the place itself for enabling tele operation of unmaned vehicle. During the operation, it is a serious control strategy that the vehicle can detect obstacles and avoid collision on the road. For these abilities, we designed sensor fusion system, which is comprised by four main unmaned vehicle parts: front & side sensor system and acceleration & brake control system for longitudinal motion control, vision system for keeping the lane and steering control system for the lateral motion control. In this study, mechanical and electronic parts are implemented to operate unmaned vehicle as a integrated system, which includes vehicle driving DC motor, another DC motor for brake actuator system, step motor for steering control and all of them are controlled by one processor. A laser range finder is used to detect for long distance of front side. And ultra-sensors are used for detecting close-distance of lateral side. Algorithm for operating each control parts is developed and AICC logic is applied and enhanced experimentally.