Dynamic Cognitive Geovisualization for Information Support of Decision-Making in the Regional System of Radiological Monitoring, Control and Forecasting

In this paper, we describe the technique of dynamic cognitive geovisualization. Cognitive geovisualization can be used to support user cognitive activity in carrying out tasks of monitoring and forecasting in decision support systems for managing complex natural and technological objects. A feature of cognitive geovisualization is that the construction of geoimages taken into account the peculiarities of perception of the user. Cognitive geoimages improves the efficiency of the visual analysis of large amounts of data, speed and quality of decision-making. We describe the application of dynamic cognitive geovisualization technology in information decision support system for regional radiological monitoring, control and forecasting. To confirm the possibilities of technology we have created a prototype of web geoserver for radiological monitoring, control and forecasting. The main functions of the dynamic cognitive geovisualization technology implemented in this web geoserver as the user tools.