Vertically integrated photodiode, VIPTM, technology is now being used to produce second generation infrared focal plane arrays with high yields and performance. The VIPTM process employs planar, ion implanted, n on p diodes in HgCdTe which is epoxy hybridized directly to the read out integrated circuits on 100 mm Si wafers. The process parameters that are critical for high performance and yield include: HgCdTe dislocation density and thickness, backside passivation, frontside passivation, and junction formation. Producibility of infrared focal plane arrays (IRFPAs) is also significantly enhanced by read out integrated circuits (ROICs) which have the ability to deselect defective pixels. Cold probe screening before lab dewar assembly reduces costs and improves cycle times. The 240 X 1 and 240 X 2 scanning array formats are used to demonstrate the effect of process optimization, deselect, and cold probe screening on yield and cycle time. The versatility of the VIPTM technology and its extension to large area arrays is demonstrated using 240/288 X 4 and 480 X 5 TDI formats. Finally, the high performance of VIPTM IRFPAs is demonstrated by comparing data from a 480 X 5 to the SADA-II specification.