Analyzing the employability and employment factors of graduate students in Spain: the OEEU information system

This paper describes the technological approach for the development of the system that supports the Observatory for University Employability and Employment developed under the leadership of the UNESCO Chair in University Management and Policy. This observatory, nowadays, collects data from more than 50 Spanish universities and more than 134,000 graduate students in order to measure diverse factors linked to their professional career development and their employability. The paper explains many problems that this kind of project related to Academic Analytics and Institutional Intelligence needs to face and solve, as well as it explain some of the most important concerns and considerations that should be taken in the context of deploying a project like the described in a national scope. Also the paper shows an introduction of how was planned the data strategy to gather the information, how was built the collector system, and how it will exploit the information from the perspective of Academic Analytics in order to provide great insights about the factors in graduate's employability in order to use it to make decisions and feedback the Institutional Intelligence processes.