Multi-Image Correlation Systems Study for MGI.
Abstract : This report documents the findings of a Multi-Image Correlation System Study for MGI (Military Geographic Intelligence). It presents the background techniques and theories that predicate system development, recommends parameters and layout for the construction of a system, and estimates the performance of the recommended system by analogous experiment results. The background techniques and theory include total system elements and relations, photo-interpretation process, sensor and propagation constraints, a summary of principal pattern recognition techniques, rectification and congruencing considerations and display considerations. The recommended parameters are for an electronic image processing system with color display and capabilities for image enhancement and automatic signature identification. The parameters recommended are extrapolations of those used for experimental equipment. The function, circuits, and layout of the experimental equipment are documented; and the basis for extrapolating the recommended parameters is given. Experimental image processing results are given for both enhancement and signature identification and are organized by test sites which include urban, agriculture, and mountain environments. An experiment for automatically identifying trafficability for a mountain environment is reported. (Author)