Vehicular Fog Computing: Challenges Applications and Future Directions

InrecentyearsVehicularAdHocNetworks(VANETs)havereceivedincreasedattentionduetoits numerousapplicationsincooperativecollisionwarningandtrafficalertbroadcasting.VANETshave beendependingoncloudcomputingfornetworking,computinganddatastorageservices.Emergence ofadvancedvehicularapplicationshasledtotheincreaseddemandforpowerfulcommunicationand computationfacilitieswithlowlatency.Withcloudcomputingunabletosatisfythesedemands,the focushasshiftedtobringcomputationandcommunicationfacilitiesnearertothevehicles,leadingto theemergenceofVehicularFogComputing(VFC).VFCinstallshighlyvirtualizedcomputingand storagefacilitiesattheproximityofthesevehicles.TheintegrationoffogcomputingintoVANETs comeswithanumberofchallengesthatrangefromimprovedqualityofservice,securityandprivacyof datatoefficientresourcemanagement.Thispaperpresentsanoverviewofthispromisingtechnology anddiscussestheissuesandchallengesinitsimplementationwithfutureresearchdirections. KeywoRDS Challenges, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Latency, Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, Vehicular Fog Computing

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