This retrospective analysis of 2009-2012 Veterans Health Administration (VHA) administrative data assessed the efficacy of care coordination home telehealth (CCHT), a model of care designed to reduce institutional care.
Outcomes for 4,999 CCHT-non-institutional care (NIC) patients were compared with usual (non-CCHT) care in a matched cohort group (MCG) of 183,872 Veterans. Both cohorts were comprised of patients with complex chronic conditions with statistically similar baseline (pre-CCHT enrollment) healthcare costs, when adjusted for age, sex, chronic disease, emergency room (ER) visits, hospital admissions, hospital lengths of stay, and pharmacy costs.
Subsequent analyses after 12 months of CCHT-NIC enrollment showed mean annual healthcare costs for CCHT-NIC patients fell 4%, from $21,071 to $20,206, whereas the corresponding costs for MCG patients increased 48%, from $20,937 to $31,055. Higher mean annual pharmacy expenditure of 22% ($470 over baseline) for CCHT-NIC patients versus 15% for MCG patients ($326 over baseline) was attributable to the medication compliance effect of better care coordination. Several healthcare cost drivers (e.g., ER visits and admissions) had sizable declines in the CCHT-NIC group. Medicare usage review in both cohorts excluded this as a confounding factor in cost analyses. Prefinal case selection criteria analysis of both cohorts yielded a 9.8% mortality rate in CCHT patients versus 16.58% in non-CCHT patients.
This study corroborates previous positive VHA analyses of CCHT but contradicts results from recent non-VHA studies, highlighting the efficacy of the VHA's standardized CCHT model, which incorporates a biopsychosocial approach to care that emphasizes patient self-management.