This division into social groups is according to official statistics and is based on paternal occupation. The distribution of the three social groups in the various regions of this country is disparate (C.C. 0.093). There is no pronounced variation between the regions as far as social group I1 is concerned. Social group 1, on the other hand, is most frequent in the large cities, Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmoe, 14.7%, but decreases in frequency from 10% in other cities, 7.2% in urban districts to only 3.6% in rural districts. Similarly social group I11 increases continuously from 41.7% in the three largest cities to its maximum 56.0% in the country. What is it that characterizes the different social groups from the psychical point of view? Intellectually (C.C. 0.188) there is a clear connection (fig. 11). Thus the highest evaluations 4 and 5 occupy 48,4% in social group I, 29,6% in social group I1 and 16,30/0 in social group 111. The lowest evaluations 1 and 2 on the other hand occupy 8,1, 17,8 and 30,692 respectively.