Mowgli: Finding Your Way in the DBMS Jungle

Big Data and IoT applications require highly-scalable database management system (DBMS), preferably operated in the cloud to ensure scalability also on the resource level. As the number of existing distributed DBMS is extensive, the selection and operation of a distributed DBMS in the cloud is a challenging task. While DBMS benchmarking is a supportive approach, existing frameworks do not cope with the runtime constraints of distributed DBMS and the volatility of cloud environments. Hence, DBMS evaluation frameworks need to consider DBMS runtime and cloud resource constraints to enable portable and reproducible results. In this paper we present Mowgli, a novel evaluation framework that enables the evaluation of non-functional DBMS features in correlation with DBMS runtime and cloud resource constraints. Mowgli fully automates the execution of cloud and DBMS agnostic evaluation scenarios, including DBMS cluster adaptations. The evaluation of Mowgli is based on two IoT-driven scenarios, comprising the DBMSs Apache Cassandra and Couchbase, nine DBMS runtime configurations, two cloud providers with two different storage backends. Mowgli automates the execution of the resulting 102 evaluation scenarios, verifying its support for portable and reproducible DBMS evaluations. The results provide extensive insights into the DBMS scalability and the impact of different cloud resources. The significance of the results is validated by the correlation with existing DBMS evaluation results.

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