Giant resonances in the {sup 26}Mg(e,e{sup {prime}}{alpha}{sub 0}){sup 22}Ne reaction

The fivefold differential cross section of the reaction {sup 26}Mg(e,e{sup {prime}}c) was measured for transferred momenta of 0.35 and 0.54fm{sup {minus}1} and emitted particle angles from {minus}10{degree} to 270{degree} with respect to the transferred-momentum direction. Angular correlation functions for the emitted {alpha}{sub 0} were obtained from the data. A model-independent analysis allowed us to obtain the E0, E1, and E2 multipole components of the {sup 26}Mg(e,e{sup {prime}}{alpha}{sub 0}){sup 22}Ne cross section, between 14 and 26 MeV of excitation energy. The E1 component shows a bump around 16.5 MeV, associated with the T{sub {lt}} isospin component of the giant dipole resonance. The evaluated strengths associated with the {alpha}{sub 0} decay channel, presented in percentage of the respective energy-weighted sum rules are 0.45(7){percent} for E1, 1.4(3){percent} for E2, and 0.2(1){percent} for E0. {copyright} {ital 1997} {ital The American Physical Society}