Brush Seal Performance and Durability Issues Basedon T-700 Engine Test Results

The integrity and performance of brush seals have been established. Severe bench and engine tests have shown high initial wear or rub-in rates, material smearing at the interface, and bristle and rub-runner wear, but the brush seals did not fail. Short-duration (46 hr) experimental T-700 engine testing of the compressor discharge seal established over 1-percent engine performance gain (brush versus labyrinth). Long-term gains were established only as leakage comparisons, with the brush at least 20 percent better at controlling leakage. Long-term materials issues, such as wear and ultimately seal life, remain to be resolved. Future laeeds are cited for materials and analysis tools that account for heat generation, thermomechanical behavior, and tribological pairing to enable original equipment manufacturers to design high-temperature, high-surface-speed seals with confidence.

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