Studies of immediate skin reactions are important to understand the underlying biological mechanisms involved in traumatic or chemical damage to the skin. In this study the spatial and spectral information provided by hyperspectral images was used to identify and characterize non-penetrating skin injuries in a porcine model. A hyperspectral imaging system (Hyspex, Norsk Elektro Optikk AS) was used to monitor the temporal development of minor skin injuries in an anesthetized Norwegian domestic pig. Hyperspectral data were collected in the wavelength range 400-1000 nm (VNIR), with a spectral sampling interval of 3.7 nm. The measurements were initiated immediately after inflicting the injury, and were repeated at least five times at each site with irregular frequency. The last measurement was performed 4 hours after injury. Punch biopsies (5 mm), were collected from adjacent normal skin, and at the center and the margin of each injury. The study was approved by the national animal research authority. The hyperspectral data were analyzed with respect to oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin, and erythema index. The skin biopsies were examined to determine the extent of skin damage in the bruised zones. Preliminary results show that hyperspectral imaging allows discrimination between traumatized skin and normal skin in an early phase. The extent and location of the hemorrhages can be determined from hyperspectral images. These findings might contribute to a better understanding of immediate skin reactions to minor trauma, and thereby the development of a better diagnostic modality for non-penetrating skin injuries in forensic medicine.