Developed Inherent Strain Method Considering Phase Transformation of Mild Steel in Line Heating
The inherent strain method is known to be very efficient in predicting the deformation of steel plate by line heating. However, in the actual line heating process in shipyard, the rapid quenching changes the phase of steel. In this study, In order to consider additional effects under phase transformation, inherent strain regions were assumed to expand. Also, when calculating inherent strain, material properties of steel in heating and cooling are applied differently considering phase transformation. In this process, a new method which can reflect thermal volume expansion of martensite is suggested.8y the suggested method, it was possible to predict the plate deformations by line heating more precisely.Ā᐀會Ā᐀ﶖ⨀ᡰ쾴ഀĀ저會Ā저㡆ﶖ⨀쾴Ā᐀會Ā᐀遆ﶖ⨀碋쾴Ā᐀會Ā᐀ﶖ⨀쾴瀀ꀏ會Ā䁇ﶖ⨀끰쾴Ā᐀會Ā᐀顇ﶖ⨀䡱쾴Ā㰀會Ā㰀ﶖ⨀쾴Ā㈀會Ā㈀䡈ﶖ⨀硲쾴Ā᐀會Ā᐀ꁈﶖ⨀쾴Ā᐀會Ā᐀ﶖ⨀ꡳ쾴Ā저會Ā저偉ﶖ⨀偮쾴Ā저會Ā저ꡉﶖ⨀쾴Ā저會Ā저Jﶖ⨀聯쾴Ā저會Ā저塊ﶖ⨀ႌ쾴Ā會Ā끊ﶖ⨀衬쾴䤀Ā切會Ā切ࡋﶖ⨀롭쾴Ā搀