Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Autonomic computing

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 9th ACM International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'12) in San Jose, California, the heart of Silicon Valley. In the past nine years, ICAC has established itself as a premier venue that attracts strong technical papers addressing the multiple aspects of self-management in computing infrastructures, systems, services, and applications. It has also created a valuable tradition of synergistic interactions between academia and industry, reflected by the composition of its program committee, authorship of technical papers, and affiliation of attendees. This year's ICAC continues that tradition and presents a strong, exciting technical program that covers a spectrum of core and emerging topics such as resource management, control, diagnosis, virtualization, clouds, and big data. The call for papers attracted 67 submissions (including 62 full papers and 5 posters) from academia and industry around the world. Each full paper submission received an average of four reviews and each poster submission was reviewed by two PC members. After a period of online reviewing and discussions, a face-to-face PC meeting was held on May 11, 2012 at HP Labs (Palo Alto, CA). A full day's discussion (from 9am to 6pm) resulted in the acceptance of 15 full papers and 9 short papers from the 62 full submissions. The accepted papers will be presented in five regular sessions and two short paper sessions, with a corresponding poster on each paper to be presented during the poster session. We would like to thank all authors -- regardless of the review results -- for their valuable contribution to the conference. We would also like to thank all PC members for their dedicated, rigorous work throughout the paper review/selection process. This year we are excited to present three distinguished Keynote Speakers, Dr. Amin Vahdat from UCSD/Google, Dr. Subutai Ahmad from Numenta, and Dr. Eitan Frachtenberg from Facebook. In addition to the regular conference, there are four workshops taking place the day before and the day after conference. The workshops cover new and exciting areas of managing big data systems, self-aware Internet of things, federated Clouds, and feedback computing. We thank Fred Douglis, the workshop chair and all workshop organizers for putting this exciting agenda together.