Optimization of dispersion-shifted fiber phase conjugator including zero dispersion wavelength variation
ABSTRACT A detailed investigation of the influence of the zero dispersion wavelength variation on the optimum design parameters of aphase conjugator based on four wave mixing in dispersion shifted fiber is carried out. We calculate the conversion efficiencyand the SBR of the conjugator including different schemes of zero dispersion wavelength variation ( A, ) along the DSF. Wesho' that the values of the optimum design parameters calculated with the inclusion of X variation differ significantly fromthose calculated assuming constant X. An experimental verification of the calculated results is also carried out. We comparethe measured conversion efficiency and SBR for different DSF lengths and at different pump powers with those predictednumerically. The DSF pieces used in the experiments are fully characterized in terms of attenuation, chromatic dispersionand polarization mode dispersion. The comparison between theory and experiment appears to be very satisfying.Keywords: Optical fiber communication, dispersion compensation, dispersion shifted fibers, wave mixing