On the accuracy of Mindlin plate predictions for the frequency-temperature behavior of resonant modes in AT- and SC-cut quartz plates

The frequency spectra of resonant modes in AT- and SC-cut quartz plates and their frequency-temperature behavior were studied using Mindlin first- and third-order plate equations. Both straight-crested wave solutions and two-dimensional plate solutions were studied. The first-order Mindlin plate theory with shear correction factors was previously found to yield inaccurate frequency spectra of the modes in the vicinity of the fundamental thickness-shear frequency. The third-order Mindlin plate equations without correction factors, on the other hand, predict well the frequency spectrum in the same vicinity. In general, the frequency-temperature curves of the fundamental thickness-shear obtained from the first-order Mindlin plate theory are sufficiently different from those of the third-order Mindlin plate theory that they raise concerns. The least accurately predicted mode of vibration is the flexure mode, which results in discrepancies in its frequency-temperature behavior. The accuracy of other modes of vibrations depends on the degree of couplings with the flexure mode. Mindlin first-order plate theory with only the shear correction factors is not sufficiently accurate for high frequency crystal vibrations at the fundamental thickness-shear frequency. Comparison with measured resonant frequencies and frequency-temperature results on an AT-cut quartz plate shows that the third-order plate theory is more accurate than the first-order plate theory; this is especially true for the technically important fundamental thickness shear mode in the AT-cut quartz plate.