Abstract(1) It is shown that ifc is real-valued measurable then the Maharam type of (c, P(c),σ) is 2c. This answers a question of D. Fremlin [Fr, (P2f)].(2) A different construction of a model with a real-valued measurable cardinal is given from that of R. Solovay [So]. This answers a question of D. Fremlin [Fr, (P1)].(3) The forcing with aκ-complete ideal over a setX, |X| ≥κ cannot be isomorphic to Random × Cohen or Cohen × Random. The result forX=κ was proved in [Gi-Sh1] but, as was pointed out to us by M. Burke, the application of it in [Gi-Sh2] requires dealing with anyX. The application is: ifAn is a set of reals forn<ω then for some pairwise disjointBn (forn<ω) we haveBn ⊆An but they have the same outer Lebesgue measure.
Robert M. Solovay,et al.
Real-valued measurable cardinals
Saharon Shelah,et al.
Forcings with ideals and simple forcing notions
Saharon Shelah.
Further cardinal arithmetic
Karel Prikry.
Ideals and powers of cardinals
Saharon Shelah.
How special are Cohen and random forcings, i.e. boolean algebras of the family of subsets of reals modulo meagre or null
Saharon Shelah,et al.
More on Simple Forcing Notions and Forcings with Ideals
Ann. Pure Appl. Log..