Efficient binocular stereo correspondence matching with 1-D Max-Trees

Abstract Extraction of depth from images is of great importance for various computer vision applications. Methods based on convolutional neural networks are very accurate but have high computation requirements, which can be achieved with GPUs. However, GPUs are difficult to use on devices with low power requirements like robots and embedded systems. In this light, we propose a stereo matching method appropriate for applications in which limited computational and energy resources are available. The algorithm is based on a hierarchical representation of image pairs which is used to restrict disparity search range. We propose a cost function that takes into account region contextual information and a cost aggregation method that preserves disparity borders. We tested the proposed method on the Middlebury and KITTI benchmark data sets and on the TrimBot2020 synthetic data. We achieved accuracy and time efficiency results that show that the method is suitable to be deployed on embedded and robotics systems.

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