Fuzzy Logic Based Scheduling for 2-keto-L-gulonic Acid Production

In 2-keto-L-gulonic acid (2-KGA) industrial fermentation workshop, L-sorbose resource is allocated evenly among batches and the batch-to-batch variations are not considered. A fuzzy logic based scheduling approach is presented to maximize the profit of 2-KGA fermentation processes by improving L-sorbose resource allocation. The profit-making ability of each 2-KGA batch is evaluated by the online classification of the profit function. The batches having great profit-making potential will be assigned more L-sorbose, and its cultivation period is estimated with fuzzy logic method. The profit increment from re-allocating L-sorbose is then calculated by the implementation of pseudo-on-line scheduling with the industrial data of 2-KGA cultivations. The results show that total profit increase is 4.82% when compared with the traditional operation for the workshop.