Social Capital-Knowledge Management (SCKM) Analysis Framework on an E-Portfolio

The introduction of ePortfolio by most universities circa 2006 was to respond to stakeholders claims and demands that graduates were lacking in generic skills. Hence the main objective of the usage of eP among undergraduates was to document their acquirement of generic skills. One such project in Malaysia however did not achieve much success. The authors believe that the process of acquiring generic skills by students is the fundamental step for a student to build his/her very own social capital. This paper attempts to examine the failed system from the perspective of Social Capital theory and knowledge management (SCKM). The examination considered both the dimensions of social capital and the processes of knowledge management. The analysis revealed that the system lacked some fundamental elements of social capital in its development as well as during its roll-out. This leads the paper to offer some design and implementation suggestions for other similar undertakings.

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