Application of CSCW in dynamic measurement
The requirement of measuring accuracy is becoming higher in modern processing and manufacturing industry. Producing higher accurate measuring equipment to improve the accuracy of measurement not only costs high, but also is proved complicated and difficult with respect to the feasibility of technology. So with the research of more accurate equipment, professional workers and exports are researching the technique of data processing as well in order to improve the accuracy of measurement. With the development of science, both the application and the theory of measurement are changing their focuses from static conditions to dynamic ones. At present, we usually process the data of dynamic measurement through person-computer exchanging. In order to extend the field of application of measuring system, we introduce the concept of group work for dynamic measurement. We can realize the person to person exchanging for the data processing of dynamic measurement with the help of computer supported cooperative work (CSCW). The paper mainly introduces computer supported cooperative dynamic measurement system (CSCDMS), including the working model of CSCDMS, the structure of CSCDMS and the application of CSCDMS.