Method study for microlens array with continuous aspherical profile

In order to form the proper aspherical microlens array profile with larger NA on photosensitive materials, a method is developed based on the characteristics of resist and processing parameters during development, for designing the exposure distribution, an experience formula has been proposed in the paper. Using the moving mask method, the exposure energy distribution function related to the photolithographic mask function can be determined by the experience formula. The profile control procedure is formed especially for the deeper relief profiles, after the binary mask data are slightly modified, the micro-structure with aspherical lens profile can be fabricated on the selected thicker resist, the micro relief profile error can be controlled in a certain range. The micro-profile is farther transferred to fused silica by ICP etching system. By our method, the fast microlens array elements with good fidelity and reasonable roughness have been fabricated and applied to the laser diode collimating system.