This paper describes an approach to verifying UML activity diagrams with model check techniques. Firstly, we define converting rules of the activity elements such as fork, joint, branch and merge into EHA. During this process, we handle the control of the actions, the creation of the hierarchy of the EHA and the change of the action states. Secondly, we describe the PROMELA framework generated for the UML activity diagrams containing the above elements. The paper is structured as followings. The second section of the paper explains the principles of the model checking with SPIN and the UML activity diagram. Section 3 describes the conversions from the UML activity diagram to the EHA model and the PROMELA model. Section 4 describes the modeling process of the dining-philosophers problem and the result of simulating the model with SPIN. The paper is ended with the conclusions and future work.
Diego Latella,et al.
Modular semantics for a UML statechart diagrams kernel and its extension to multicharts and branching time model-checking
J. Log. Algebraic Methods Program..
Rik Eshuis,et al.
Symbolic model checking of UML activity diagrams
Shin Nakajima,et al.
The SPIN Model Checker : Primer and Reference Manual
Diego Latella,et al.
Automatic Verification of a Behavioural Subset of UML Statechart Diagrams Using the SPIN Model-checker
Formal Aspects of Computing.
Stephan Merz,et al.
Model Checking
Diego Latella,et al.
Towards a Formal Operational Semantics of UML Statechart Diagrams