Superpixel-Level CFAR Detector Based on Truncated Gamma Distribution for SAR Images

One open issue of target detection for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is the capture effect from the clutter edge and the interfering outliers, including surrounding targets in the multitarget environment, sidelobes, and ghosts. To address this issue, a superpixel-level constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detector is proposed based on the truncated Gamma statistics for the multilook intensity SAR data. Superpixel segmentation serves as a preprocessing procedure to divide the SAR image into meaningful patches. By automatic clutter truncation in the superpixel-level background clutter window, the real clutter samples are preserved. The experimental results with real SAR images demonstrate that the proposed method achieves better goodness-of-fit performance for the real clutter background with outlier exclusion, yielding a higher target detection rate in the multitarget environments.