Determining factors influencing information security culture among ICT librarians

The purpose of this study is to examine information security culture among and to investigate the factors that contribute to the information security culture among ICT librarians. The study uses the quantitative research method to analyze the responses to open-ended questions by 56 ICT librarians in private colleges. An empirical study is presented of an information security culture assessment instrument, which is a questionnaire, thereby providing a valid and reliable tool that can be used by organizations (libraries) to assess the in-house level of the information security culture. The evidence suggests that principles significantly influence the information security culture among ICT librarians. The developed statements in the information security culture assessment instrument are not categorized to be answered by different audiences in an organization. This could be useful as not all employees would, for instance, be in a position to answer management and strategic questions. Practitioners should understand the factors influencing the information security culture in order to develop a good culture and at the same time to protect their information assets in organization.