Secondary analysis of survey data
Volume 1: Issues in the Analysis of Survey Data Introduction to the four volumes - Martin Bulmer, Patrick Sturgis and Nick Allum Introduction to Volume One of the set - Martin Bulmer Secondary Analysis and Sharing Data Using social science data archives - Morris Rosenberg An introduction to secondary analysis - Angela Dale, Sara Arber and Mike Procter Sharing research data in the social sciences - Jerome M Clubb et al Toward cumulative knowledge: theoretical and methodological issues - Stephen E Fienberg et al Issues in Research Design Some observations on study design - S A Stouffer Durkheim's SUICIDE and the problems of empirical research - Hannan C Selvin Longitudinal v cross-sectional methods for behavioural research: a first round knock-out - R B Davies and A R Pickles Causality and Causal Order Some statistical aspects of causality - D R Coxand and N Wermuth The quantitative analysis of large-scale data-sets and rational action theory: for a sociological alliance - J H Goldthorpe Rethinking Causality - S Lieberson Causality: production and propagation - Wesley C Salmon Causal order - T Hirschi and H C Selvin Elaboration Test factor standardization as a method of interpretation - Morris Rosenberg Attitudes, behavior and the intervening variables - Howard Ehrlich The logical structure of suppressor variables - Morris Rosenberg, Morris Elaborating the association between variables - Mervin Susser Analytic Issues Ecological correlations and the behavior of individuals. - W S Robinson Replication, replication - Gary King Quality issues with survey research - Angela Dale Divorce effects' and causality in the social sciences - Maire NiBhrolchain Volume 2: Measurement and Inference Issues in Survey Measurement On the theory of scales of measurement - S S Stevens Factor scaling, external consistency and the measurement of theoretical constructs - R A Zeller and E G Carmines A simple theory of the survey response: Answering questions versus revealing preferences. - J Zaller and S Feldman Samples, Inference and Error History and development of the theoretical foundations of survey based estimation and analysis - J N K Rao and D R Bellhouse Variance estimation for complex estimators in sample surveys - K Rust A 'super-population viewpoint' for finite population sampling - H O Hartley R L Sielken Jr. Statistics and causal inference - P Holland Weighting methods - G Kalton and I Flores-Cervantes Sampling weights and regression analysis - C Winship and L Radbill Inference under Complex Sample Designs Inference with survey weights - R J A Little Inference from complex samples - L Kish and M R Frankel Analysing complex survey data: Clustering, stratification and weights - P Sturgis Missing data in large surveys - R Little Analyzing incomplete political science data: An alternative algorithm for multiple imputation - G King, et al Volume 3: Summarizing and Modelling Survey Data Exploratory Data Analysis Summarizing distributions - Melissa Hardy How to display data badly - Howard Wainer Cluster analysis - D Bartholomew et al Correspondence Analysis: Graphical Representation of Categorical Data in Marketing Research - Donna Hoffman and George Franke Linear and Non-linear Regression The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic and statistical considerations - R M Baron and D A Kenny In defense of multiplicative terms in multiple regression equations - R J Friedrich How Not to Lie with Statistics: Avoiding Common Mistakes in Quantitative Political Science - G King A Tutorial in Logistic Regression - Alfred DeMaris Loglinear Models: A Way to Study Main Effects and Interactions for Multidimensional Contingency Tables With Categorical Data - Leonard Marascuilo and Patricia Busk Latent Variable Models Latent variables in psychology and the social sciences - Kenneth Bollen Component analysis versus common factor analysis: Some issues in selecting an appropriate procedure - W F Velicer and D N Jackson Confirmatory factor analysis - D L Bandalos Measurement invariance, factor analysis and factorial invariance - W Meredith Volume 4: Simultaneous Equations, Hierarchical and Longitudinal Models Structural Equation Models The decomposition of effects in path analysis - Duane F Alwin and Robert M Hauser A general method for estimating a linear structural equation system - Karl G Joreskog Principles and practice in reporting structural equation analyses - R P McDonald and M H Ring Ho Hierarchical Data Structures: Multilevel and Longitudinal Analysis Multilevel modelling of survey data - Harvey Goldstein Modeling multilevel data structures - M R Steenbergen and B S Jones Context, composition and heterogeneity: using multilevel models in health research - C Duncan and G Moon Multilevel models for repeated binary outcomes: attitudes and voting over the electoral cycle - M Yang, H Goldstein and A Heath A didactic example of multilevel structural equation modelling applicable to the study of organisations - D Kaplan and P R Elliot Using panel data to estimate the effect of events - Paul Allison Panel Models in Sociological Research: Theory into Practice - Charles Halaby, Charles Myths and methods: "Myths about longitudinal research" plus supplemental questions. - D R Rogosa Cohort analysts' futile quest: statistical attempts to separate age, period and cohort effects - David Glenn Changing attitudes towards pre-marital sex: cohort, period and ageing effects - D Harding and C Jencks Latent curve analysis - W Meredith and J Tisak General longitudinal modeling of individual differences in experimental designs: A latent variable framework for analysis and power estimation - Bengt Muthen and Patrick Curran Application of hierarchical linear models to assessing change - A S Bryk and S W Raudenbush Using covariance structure analysis to detect correlates and predictors of change - J B Willett and A Sayer