WILLIAMS, JOHN E.; BEST, DEBORAH L.; and BOSWELL, DONNA A. The Measurement of Children's Racial Attitudes in the Early School Years. CHILD DEVELOPMENT, 1975, 46, 494-500. The Preschool Racial Attitude Measure II (PRAM II) is a procedure for assessing the attitudes of preliterate children toward light-skinned (Euro-American) and dark-skinned (Afro-American) human figures. Although designed for research with preschool children, it is also appropriate to the test-taking ability of children in the early school grades. In the main, developmental, study 483 children in the first 4 grades of a single, integrated, public school were administered PRAM II by Euroand Afro-American examiners. Among Euro-American children, it was found that pro-Euro/anti-Afro (E +/A-) bias reached a peak at the second-grade level and subsequently declined. Afro-American children also were found to display evidence of E +/ A bias, but to a lesser degree, and with no appreciable age trends being observed. Evidence regarding race-of-examiner effects was inconclusive. A second study established the representative nature of the data in the developmental study by a comparison of the PRAM II scores of the second-grade children in the developmental study with the mean scores of other groups of second graders (N = 255) in other geographical locations.
C. Osgood,et al.
The Measurement of Meaning
Jane M. Singh,et al.
A Study of Racial Attitudes in White First Grade Children.
D. Best,et al.
Preschool Racial Attitude Measure II
John E. Williams,et al.
Secondary Factors in the Affective Meaning System of the Preschool Child.
Francis J. Di Vesta,et al.
A developmental study of the semantic structures of children
C. McMurtry,et al.
Evaluation dimension of the affective meaning system of the preschool child.
Lloyd M. Dunn.
Expanded manual for the Peabody picture vocabulary test
K. L. Witte,et al.
The effects of modifying color-meaning concepts on racial concept attitudes in five- and eight-year-old children☆
John E. Williams,et al.
A Method for Assessing Racial Attitudes in Preschool Children
J. E. Williams,et al.
An exploratory study of the modification of color and racial concept attitudes in preschool children.
Child development.
D. Best,et al.
The Modification of Racial Bias in Preschool Children.