Projekt zefektivnění systémového procesu balení ve firmě Siemens s.r.o., odštěpný závod Elektromotory Mohelnice

The aim of this master thesis is work out project for streamlining of Systemic Process Packaging in Company Siemens Ltd., Branch Enterprise Electric Motors Mohelnice. The thesis si dividend into two parts part theoretical and part practical. In the theoretical part is compile literature search focus on the issues of logistics, logistics chain, outsourcing of logistics, packaging management, bills of material, information sys-tems, element sof lean logistics and administrativ and project management. In the introduction of the practical part is presented company Siemens Ltd., Branch Enterprise Electric Motors Mohelnice. Furthermore, this theses takes into account the analysis of current situation, which is followed by the specific project. The goal of this project is create more effective systemic process of packaging, especially due to the application of elements of lean logistics and lean administrativ. The work also includes an economic evaluation of the project and risk analysis.