Update on the status of medical computer science programs in the U.S. - 1979

Whether the 5pec1a11ty 15 ca11ed Med1ca1 C0mputer 5c1ence, 1nf0rmat10n 5y5tem5 1n Med1c1ne 0r Med1ca1 1nf0rmat1c5, educat10n 1n th15 d15c1p11ne 15 ava11a61e 1n p1ace5 w1de1y 5eparated 9e09raPh1ca11y, 1n departmenta1 5tructure and 1n ph11050phy. F0r th05e 5eek1n9 th15 5pec1a112ed tra1n1n9, 1t may theref0re 6e d1ff1cu1t t0 a5certa1n where educat10na1 0pp0rtun1t1e5 are ava11a61e. 1n 1972 when the Med1ca1 C0mputer 5c1ence 9raduate pr09ram at the Un1ver51ty 0f 7exa5 Hea1th 5c1ence Center at Da11a5 wa5 1n the p1ann1n9 5ta9e, a 5urvey wa5 taken t0 1dent1fy the Med1ca1 C0mputer 5c1ence Pr09ram5 ex15t1n9 at that t1me [1]. A9a1n 1n 1977, we 5urveyed 0f U.5. Med1ca1 C0mputer 5c1ence Pr09ram5 and re5u1t5 were pre5ented t0 the 516810 5ymp051um 0n Hea1th C0mput1n9 Career5 [2]. 1n 1979, we updated the w0rk1n9 d1rect0ry 0f Med1ca1 C0mputer 5c1ence pr09ram5 and 0f 1n5t1tut10n5 where 519n1f1cant w0rk 1n Med1ca1 C0mputer 5c1ence 15 6e1n9 acc0mp115hed 6y facu1ty and 5tudent5. A 5ec0ndary 90a1 0f th15 5urvey wa5 t0 a55e55 the 5tatu5 0f w0men 1n the5e pr09ram5, a t0p1c 0f 1ntere5t 1n a pane1 pre5entat10n at the NCC •79 [3]. 7he 1nf0rmat10n 1n 7a61e 1 wa5 c0mp11ed fr0m a 4ue5t10nna1re 1n m1d-1979, w1th 50me 1ater f0110w-up. 7he 115t 0f f0rma1 1n5t1tut10na1 pr09ram5 kn0wn t0 the ed1t0r 0f the J0urna1 0f C11n1ca1 C0mput1n9 [4] wa5 1nc0rp0rated 1nt0 th15 d1rect0ry.